Streamlining bookings for the bounce house and event rental industry.

Let us take over your leads so you can place your focus into other aspects of your business.

What makes Raze the right fit for your company?

Raze takes care of your bookings so you can take care of your company.

We know the industry

We have a team of well prepared Virtual Assistants in the industry dedicated to helping you secure those leads. Our team is trained on all booking platforms as well!

Follow Up

Following up is a huge part of securing sales. We strive to secure as many loyal customers as possible while you can relax knowing you can look forward to your busy weekend.

No contracts

Raze is like a subscription. Cancel any time you no longer need our services!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do payments work?

You’re invoiced once a month on the 1st!

What are your rates?

Rates are based on your annual revenue and number of units.

Do I have to sign a contract?

You do have to view the terms of service and sign, but you can begin and cancel anytime!


“Highly recommended!”

I have a full time job and I can’t respond to bookings all day long. With raze, no message or call falls through the cracks and I know my customers are getting followed up with.

“I can focus on my business”

Raze is definitely beneficial once your business gets to a point where you can’t do it all yourself anymore. Before Raze, I would let calls go unanswered during my busiest months because I couldn’t get to them in time.

“Familiar with the industry”

I don’t have to provide a ton of training. My Sales Rep has experience being in the industry so that cuts out a lot of questions and they already know how to use my software and products!